Bringing people to safety and building our South Dakota workforce

Tap into the Ukrainian Workforce

It’s a fact. There are so many educated and talented Ukrainians who have been displaced from their country due to the invasion. Hundreds of thousands have landed in the US. Most of them have yet to discover the benefits of South Dakota. Many Ukrainians have ended up in places like New York and Los Angeles and discovered that these cities are not as they appear in the movies. Here’s a recent Bloomberg article about this problem.

South Dakota employers can benefit in this situation and help displaced Ukrainians. Freedom’s Haven is working on ways to encourage Ukrainians to move to South Dakota, by showing them that there are plenty of jobs here and that the cost of living is much lower than in most parts of the US, especially in a big city. Part of this is making connections between Ukrainians and South Dakota employers. To help us do this, please fill out the form on this page and hit “submit.”

Q: Are Ukrainian refugees allowed to work in the US?

ANSWER: Yes. They can work upon arrival with their I-94 form as long it shows “UHP” (which stands for Ukraine Humanitarian Parole). They still need to apply for their “Employment Authorization Document” (EAD) through US Citizen & Immigration Services, but their I-94 allows them to work for 90 days, while they are waiting for their EAD application to be processed.

Q: Do they speak English?

ANSWER: Some do, but most are learning. Those that are still learning English can work in jobs such as manufacturing, cleaning services, or other jobs that don’t require a lot of customer interaction. Freedom’s Haven can facilitate translation help for job interviews, on-boarding or workplace orientation to get them started with your business.

Q: Are Ukrainians reliable workers?

ANSWER: Ukrainians have a reputation for hard work and resourcefulness. Then can be of great benefit to your workforce with a little consideration and help from us. See this news report to get an idea of how well this can work: >> SD EMPLOYERS HIRING UKRAINIANS <<

Q: What are their typical skills?

ANSWER: Ukrainians bring a similar skill-set to what we have in the US. Many work in areas like manufacturing, transportation and agriculture, which translate well in South Dakota. In situations where language ability or the lack of a US certification might prevent them from doing the work they did in Ukraine, the vast majority are willing and able to work in other fields.

Q: How can I connect with Ukrainian job applicants?

A: Please provide your contact information to Freedom’s Haven in the form below:  We are working on an online job board (and other tools) aimed at Ukrainians.

Tell us how You can help!

Please give us some details about you and what assets or skills you would like to make available to newcomers in South Dakota.   Thank you!

Please give details about your skill or asset.

Click Below to post Jobs Available to Ukrainians

Freedom's Haven of SD

Bringing people to safety and building our
South Dakota workforce

Contact Information
